Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sylvia Browne "The greatest woman that walked the earth"

Before coming into life, Jesus Christ asked Elizabeth (Sylvia Browne) to come into life and continue His teachings. I always said to people, "She is just like Jesus Christ," but they didn't believe me. I was right. The greatest man that walked the earth is Jesus Christ. The greatest woman that walked earth is Sylvia Browne. My beautiful and wonderful Sylvia Browne, I miss you so much. Thank you for everything you've done for humanity. Sylvia went back Home to the Other Side (Heaven) on November 20. One day after my birthday.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sylvia Browne went back Home on November 20, 2013.

Sylvia Browne went back Home on November 20 2013.

My beautiful and wonderful Sylvia Browne. Thank you so much for all you've done. Because of you I know who God is. God is Love. I love you so much. I'll make sure your work continues. You are a light that shines bright for others to see. You are Home now. See you soon. Sylvia Browne you are the greatest woman that walked the Earth. I love you. Sylvia passed away one day after my birthday. The greatest man that walked the earth is Jesus Christ. Peace, Love and Blessings to you and your family and loved ones. God is Love. God is Love. Amen.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Spirituality Part 1: What Is Spirituality? ( Facebook Edition)

Jose Navarro

Spirituality Part 1 What is Spirituality? It's the belief that spirit lives on after death. I say Spirituality is knowing the truth. The truth of why you are here on earth, why you've gone through the things you've gone truth and everything that has to do with humanity and the universe. Including knowing about the Other Side (Heaven). The truth. You will feel it in your Soul once you get it. Nothing will ever be the same. You will still go through tough times but at least you'll know why. You will start hearing your Spirit Guide. You might even hear Mother God's voice. I have. She is very loving and very caring. You will feel their presence including your Angels. You might even see one. You will even know who God is. God is Love. Always there. Always loving you. Waiting for you to reach out to them. Father God and Mother God. Spirituality has nothing to do with religion but has everything to do with you and the reason why you are here on earth. The reason why we are here on earth is to experience negativity and hopefully learn from it. Thank God life is short. And thank God we have each other. We are each other's teacher. We learn from each other. Once we are done with being here on earth we go back Home. The Other Side. Humanity calls it Heaven and it really is. Guess were hell is- we are on it. Make your home a heaven. Stay away from the negativity and know God is always with you. Always. Peace. Your friend Jose.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Age of Awareness (Part 4) : The Reason Why We Are On Earth.

We always were and always have been. We are here on earth to experience negativity. Were we come from there is only love. We can read about negativity on the Other Side (Heaven) but it wouldn't be the same as experiencing it head-on with all it's emotions. Even people from other planets come here and help since these extraterrestrials are so much more advanced than we are. They know this. Nowhere else in the universe is there anything like planet earth. Only the strongest come here and survive. That's why it's important we don't give up. All throughout the universe Spirituality is known not religion. Spirituality is the belief that the spirit moves on after death. To me, Spirtuality is knowing the Truth. The truth of why you are here? Why you've gone through the things you've gone through? Is there life on other planets? What is the meaning of life? The answer is simple. The Meaning of Life is to survive life and not give up. We come here to earth with a chart full of experiences we chose before we came here. With God's blessing, we start at birth. Some children are psychic like my little brother was. They even remember the Other Side (Heaven) and their past lives. As the years passes by we go thru illnesses, marriages, divorces, new jobs, new relationships, anything and everything. Some people do just that but they give up too early instead of surviving because they chose too much to experience in this life while others become an inspiration to so many. A light for all to see. And then death comes. Death means that it's time to go back Home to the Other Side (Heaven). Life continues. It always has been. Before we come here, while were down here and after we're done with this life. What a blessing it is to experience this earth not just for our soul but for God. God is Love. There is a Mother God and a Father God. I've heard her voice. Her name is Azna. Ask her for help whenever you need it and know that they are always around you. Loving you always. There's pictures of Her all around the world. She is known as La Virgen de Gaudalupe. God knows everything. Since they are Love, we are here on earth to experience negativity for Him and for our soul's perfection. Religion does not teach you this because religion has nothing to do with Spirituality. Religion only exists on earth. We are on earth for a very short period of time. Time is passing by so fast. Time only exists when we are on another reincarnation. This is my last one. I've done this 33 times. No wonder I am so tired but anything for God. They love us so much. (I remember 3 lives. One in the Old West. Another in the times of Lemuria and Egypt or India). There is no such thing as time on the Other Side (Heaven). We don't even have to eat when we get back Home. That's why make sure your food is tasty. Take care of your self. Make sure you stay healthy. Stay away from negativity once you've had enough of it. I already did. I gave my life to God. I still worry but I am doing good. I got a job at UCLA and I'm on my way to becoming a writer for sitcoms and songwriting. Life is scary sometimes but together we will make it through just fine. Everything's going to be ok. There is so much to know. We have Angels all around us. I've seen mine. They saved my life more than once. We have spirit guides. A Spirit Guide is someone that knows our charts and is guiding us and protecting us making sure everything goes as planned. If it doesn't they help us get back on track. My spirit guide's name is Jeremy. I always knew there was someone around me since I was a kid. I even wrote a poem titled "I'm Not Alone, When I'm Alone". I'm a Emily Dickinson fan. I used to call this someone Joe. I've seen him when I was 28. I'm 34. Heard him call my name more than once. He even kissed my cheek when I was saying a prayer for spirit guides while reading one of Sylvia Browne books. There is so much to learn. Know that life on earth is a place for experiencing negativity. We are only here for a short time. Earth is not our Home. The Other Side is. We are on earth to experience all the things we wrote in our charts to experience both good and bad. Life is hard but together we will make it through just fine. Peace and Love. Always. Read Sylvia Browne books if you haven't already or when you're ready.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Age of Awareness (Part 3) : How To Lose Weight?

I have a problem. I can't seem to gain weight and my older sister can't seem to lose weight. I eat and I eat but I still can't seem to gain any weight. I do work out 3 to 5 times a day. I love working out. I think that's it. I don't feel the cold too much in the winter. My little sister, who has a figure like Shakira, asked me one day how to lose weight. I said to her in a compassionate way, "Your weight shouldn't matter. What should matter is that you are healthy and that you take care of yourself." "We are all going to die. And you don't want to say when you go back Home to the Other Side (Heaven), I lived my life worrying about what I eat because I wanted to be thin." No. Your weight has nothing to do with who you are. You could be one of the most wonderful and beautiful person in the world and nobody would care about how you look because they know your soul. They see the beauty inside. It's not about looks. Life is not about looks. Life has nothing to do with looks. If you took care of your self while in life, it will reflect when you go back Home to the Other Side (Heaven). Now if you treated your self so bad with drugs, food, alcohol, you name it, while in life and you didn't took care of it, your looks on the Other Side will not be as good as you would want it to. All I have to say to you is what I said to my little sister, "Just take care of your self and treat your self good." Know that we are only on Earth for a little bit. Just to experience negativity for our Soul and for God. God is Love. We have a Father and a Mother God. Ask them for help whenever you need them and you will be just fine. I love saying this to myself ; I look good, I like myself and work with what you got. Eat protein. Fruits and vegetables, chicken, fish, turkey. Take your vitamins. There are so many healthy and delicious foods. Make sure what you eat is tasty. On the Other Side (Heaven) we don't have to eat, sleep and we don't have to worry about time. There is no such thing as time on the Other Side (Heaven) only when we are in another reincarnation. I'm on my 33rd and my last. Thank God. Life on Earth is hard. Very hard. But together we will be just fine. Peace.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Age of Awareness (Part 2) - What is Spirituality?

I've learned so much in my 33 years of life here on earth. Even though I know so much about spirituality, I do believe that there is so much more to learn. Here are some of the things I've learned: 1. Life is short. I've noticed that time is passing by so very fast. God has been speeding up time for the past 5 years or longer. 2. God is Love. There is a Father God and a Mother God. Her name is Azna. There's pictures of her all throughout mexico and the world. She is known as La Virgen De Guadalupe (The Virgin Mary). She has different looks when she appears to people. 3. We have Angels. My Angels saved my life many times. They will save your life and they can heal and protect you. Just call on them and they will come to you. They will save your life if it's not your time to go. I've seen mine. As a shinny bright-brilliant small light floating. 4. Earth is School. We are here to experience and learn from negativity. 5. We've been here before. I'm on my 33rd life and my last one. I remember 3 lives; Lemuria, the Old-West and Egypt or India. 6. There was life on Mars, Venus, and Mercury. They were in different orbits at the time of life. 7. There are 44 universes. 8. Once life is over on earth, we'll return to our real Home called the Other Side. 9. The Other Side is a real Heaven. There is no negativity only Love. I can't wait to go back Home. 10. There are advanced people on earth. Mystical Travelers. Oprah Winfrey, Montel Williams, Sylvia Browne are some of the people that have an extra line directly to God to help carry out special missions while they are here on earth. Jesus Christ was a Mystical Traveler. Any one can help humanity but some people have that extra something that shines within them. 11. God knows everything. They know the past, the future and the present. But we don't. That's why it is important you don't give up while you are here. Ask them for help. After all, they are our loving parents. 12. Mother God creates miracles. 13. Prayer is a way to talk to God. I call Father God "Dude" when I talk to him. Just like I am having a conversation with a good friend. Your relationship with God is a personal thing. 14. Meditation is a way to hear God. I never did get it. How does God talk to us? Then I remembered when I heard Mother God's voice. 15. I heard Mother God's voice. She is very sophisticated, loving and caring. She want's the best for us. They want us to be happy. They do help us. 16. There is no such thing as time. Only while we are on another reincarnation is there time. It's always "Now" to God. 17. There are Dark Entities or those that refuse God's love. 18. All the good people on earth are Light Entities. 19. There are Grey Entities or those that don't know what to choose, love or negativity. They are in the middle. Both Good and bad. 20. People from other planets are our brothers and sisters. They will show us who they are very soon and our Spirituality will grow even more. 21. Andromeda colonized earth. Life began in Africa about 17 million years ago. I think. 22. I love Sylvia Browne. I keep telling people she is like Jesus Christ. Read her books when you can. I started reading them in 2000 at the library. Now I have almost all of her books about 60. And I still need a few more. The information she shares is amazing. This might be the 3rd time this information has been shared to humanity. The other times are in the times of Jesus Christ and the time of Atlantis and Lemuria. 23. To me, Spirituality is to know the Truth. The truth of life. Why you are here? What is your purpose in life? What were you meant to do while you are here on earth? Raise a family. Be a Teacher. A Doctor. Anything good. My purpose is to be a writer, both a song-writer and sitcom writer. 24. Live a good life. 25. We visit the Other Side (Heaven) about 4 times a week. Just ask God to help you remember it. I remember being with the Council. Everything was white. (Re-reading Sylvia's books. She says in Nova. This planet is white and it's where Mission Life entities come from. The language they spoke was very different. Aramaic. That's the language that is spoken in the Other Side. Not sure if I was on the Other Side or Nova. 26. There is an Underworld. That is the place were Gnomes and Fairies live. Just the other day I asked to see Lilith "The Queen of the Fairies". It was about 5 minutes later she came to me. It was in my mind's eye that I saw her. I didn't know what to do so I just gave her a big hug. And she gave a sweet, "oh". She is very close to Mother God. When my little brother was around 9 years old, he pointed at the window, it was night-time, he said, "I see little people". I think he saw Gnomes. Children are very spiritual and very psychic. Just like my little brother was. They lose it after they get into life though. Which is sad. I told him, he is now 18. Do you remember when you were psychic and he says, "No". 27. Be Positive not negative. I keep telling people, "You can heal yourself." You just have to want it. When I get sick which is about 3 times a year. I last about a couple of hours being sick. I say to myself when I feel I'm coming down with something, "I am not getting sick. If I am, it will last a couple of hours or two days." The power of the mind is great. 28. Surround yourself with the White Light of Holy Spirit and the Christ Consciousness. Every day. I do this every morning when I leave my house. The White Light is God's Love and the Holy Spirit is Us. The Love that God has for Us. Now this is a very powerful thing to do. I hope this becomes a habit for you. Just close your eyes for a few seconds and envision your self in a white bubble. Surround any one and the earth, if you want, with the White Light. 29. The power of colors. Green is for healing. I surround my self in this color when I feel sick or I am in pain and want to heal and feel better. Stay away from the color red if you can. Not that it's bad but all throughout history the color red has been used for harm than for good. Read Sylvia Browne books for more on colors and numbers. My favorite numbers have always been 3, 6, and 9. She says that the number 3 is the trinity; the Father (God), the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit (Us). The number 9 is a very spiritual number. 30. We all come into life with a Chart. Before we come into life we write everything we want to experience, both good and bad. So there really is no reason to complain about our lives. Just keep on going. And if you had enough with something just say it. The universe is listening. On to the next experience. And hope it's nothing bad. I'm done with having bad times. Let the good times come. 31. A Spirit Guide is someone that we are very close to while in life. The only problem is that we forget about them, the Other Side and even God. But when we find out about them, our view of life changes and nothing will ever be the same. My Spirit-Guide's name is Jeremy. It's interesting. All my life I knew that there was someone watching over me. I even called him or her Jesse and sometimes Joe. When I had my reading with Chris Dufresne (Sylvia Browne's son) he said that his name is Jeremy. How cool is that. 32. A Spirit Guide will let you know they are around. I heard his voice twice. He called out my name. He called me Mike. My family calls me Mike. My real name is Jose Miguel. It happened in two separate occasions in the same year of 2007. It was in the morning just after I got out of bed. He lets me know he is around every time. I really do believe I told him before this life, "Let me know you are around once I find out about you". I tear up every time I think about it. 33. Not every one will believe you. Once you know about Spirituality some people will not be around you anymore. I love this. All the mean people in my life stays around about a couple of months or a very short time just enough to learn from them and then I never see them again. I learn to stay away from them and how not to be like them. While others will notice something different about you. I get this all the time. People say to me, "There is a light around you" or "I wish there were more people like you." 34. I said to God, "As long as I am here, I am going to be one of the nicest people on earth." I notice that people are forgetting to use the word "no". Stay away from drugs and alcohol. I've never taken any and I don't care to. Stay healthy. Fruits and vegetables are the key for a healthy life. Keep the stress level down. Your protein intake up. 35. Sylvia Browne's Spirit Guide, Francine says that we don't eat on the Other Side. So make sure your food is tasty. And Sylvia says to stay away from sugars. And so this is what Spirituality means to me. Knowing the Truth. I keep saying to myself just recently that there is so much more to learn. I want to know what God knows. I will post more information later. Be Good. Do Good. Love God. I hope Sylvia Browne becomes your Spiritual Teacher like she is mine if she is not already. Peace.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Oprah's Last Show.

Oprah Winfrey is a Mystical Traveler just like Jesus Christ was and Sylvia Browne is. Just listen to the message she's sharing. Her knowledge is great. She's a great spiritual teacher. I love Oprah. She want's the best for humanity. Oprah still comes out on TV on her own network called OWN.