Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Golden Age (Part 3) : "People From Other Planets"

People from planets have always been with us. They are the ones that helped us with the Pyramids and they are the ones who constructed the Bermuda Triangle. Life on other planets is much different than in ours. They're houses is actually above the ground. They have flying cars. And in some planets, when they come into life, they come into grown bodies. Here on Earth, we come into babies inside the mothers womb. They are highly advanced and very spiritual and they're knowledge is immense. They talk to their Spirit Guides without any trouble. Here on Earth, we have much to learn from them. Which we will very soon. Sylvia Browne says they will begin to show themselves in less than ten years. I can't wait to hear from our brothers and sisters. Did you know. We are all related. We all come from the some creator. God. God is Love. Our Father God, He has a name. His name is Om. And Her name is Azna. The Mother Goddess. We human beings have never been alone. Actually, we don't even belong to this planet. There is life in Andromeda. There is also life in the Pleiades. You can even say we were put here as an experiment. That's why they (people from other planets) come to check on us. How we are doing, Spiritually. As the years pass, they will make themselves be known and our knowledge will grow immensely. Stephen Hawking, I respect every ones opinion, he did not help extraterrestrials with his message about them being harmful. Extraterrestrials or people from other planets are here to help us. They always have and always will. Once while I was walking, I thought to myself, "wouldn't it be nice if I could get from here to Denny's (a resturant close to were I live) in seconds." Then out of nowhere I saw an orange light shoots accross the sky. I ran to see if there weren't any street lights around or planes because trees where getting in my way. They can even read our minds. It's a blessing to know that they care about us. We will even see they're spaceships very soon. Can't wait. Peace and Love to you.

Other facts on Extraterrestrials:

They can get from here to Pluto in seconds.
They can get from they're planet to Earth using the Bermuda Triangle (a vortex).
They can live long lives, 100's of years.
They have different DNA than ours.
Life on their planet is not as chaotic as in ours.
We are known as the crazy planet all throughout the universe.
They're spaceships uses an invisible shield so they can remain untraceable.

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