Friday, October 24, 2008

The Last Days of Planet Earth (Pt 12) = "Being on my Last Life"

The Last Days of Planet Earth (Pt 12) = "Being on my Last Life"
Category: Writing and Poetry

Joe Rogan says there are 3 types of people ; assholes, idiots and people you want to hang out with. Sylvia Browne says that there are 3 types of people too ; Light entities (those that let God's love in), Grey entities (those that are in the middle) and Dark entities (those that don't let God's love in). I had no idea who or what a God was. I was introduced to him in 2003, I think. I've heard of Jesus Christ but I didn't care for His story till recently. I found that Jesus was a great guy and a wonderful human being. I think he was the greatest man that ever walked the Earth and the only one that was 100 percent psychic since he had direct contact with God. Jesus Christ healed, cured, preached about Love and fought for woman's rights. Other people have walked the Earth to share great knowledge; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi and many many others. Right now we have Oprah Winfrey, Montel Williams, Sylvia Browne, Tyra Banks and many others. Hopefully someone in your life too. It was the year 2002 when I got so frustrated with my life that in anger I said out loud, "What the fuck am I doing here". I knew a little about the Other Side (Heaven) and Spirituality during this time. The answer came to me a year later; to live out your chart and experience for God and your Soul. For more information read Sylvia Browne's Journey of the Soul (Series). Last year on Wednesday's with Sylvia Browne on the Montel Williams show, a lady asked Sylvia why she always felt out of place when she would be around people. The lady was almost crying when she asked that question. Sylvia's answer was, "You are on your last life". I thought, "Oh my God, I'm not alone". Lately I've been saying out loud, "This is it, no more. I'm not doing this again". Of course, I'm referring to coming into life again. Sylvia Browne asked the lady, "Would you do this again". The lady's answer was "No" and so was Sylvia's answer too. This is Silvia Browne's last life and Montel Williams too. Silvia Browne's Spirit Guide Francine says that there are many people on there last life. Francine and Sylvia adds that there are not that many years left ahead of us. Before the end of times people will live upto and around 120 years. So that's one of the things I look forward too and TV watches (a God sent to me, of course, since I love TV) in a couple of years. The cure for Cancer has already been found on the Other Side (Heaven) but it will be introduced to Earth I think around 2030 as the same for the cure for AIDS, hopefully with God's help and every one's prayers it will be much sooner. The cure for the common cold will be found in 2010. For more on predictions head to your library or Borders and read Sylvia Browne's Prophecy. The only reason I'm writing about this is because I don't want to go back Home to Heaven and say to my self and others, "You mean I could of talked/write about my life, Spirituality and it would of helped people, no, why didn't I do that". God knows how much I love writing for my Last Days of Planet Earth blog. I'm always at the gym thinking of things to write about. That's where I get most of my ideas for when I write. I don't regret one bit coming into life. I met so many wonderful people. I think Earth has the best music, actors/actresses, shows, food and even sports, by the way. This is your life, do what you like. Sylvia Browne (my Spiritual Teacher) says to, "Love God, do Good, shut up then go home". I'll talk more about my experiences with the Other Side (Heaven), my Spirit Guide "Joe", Angels and much more in the future. Peace.

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